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Ministry of Public Works announces a major project to enhance safety and stability on Scaur Hill, Sandys. There will be traffic restrictions for 6 months starting September 30, 2024   Essential work on Scaur Hill, Sandys Parish, will commence on September 30, 2024, lasting six months. The project involves replacing a 230-foot retaining wall between Ledgelets Lane and Lantana Road. A temporary one-way traffic system will be implemented to ensure safety.Special arrangements may be required for 40-foot tractor-trailers and heavy loads. Further updates will be provided as the project progresses.   The Ministry of Public Works thanks the public in advance for their patience and cooperation. Contact Ministry of Public Works for more information.

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38 results found in Bermuda for ministries
Touch Through Me Ministries

7 Malabar Rd., Sandys Parish, Bermuda, MA 01

Located in Devonshire, we operate from 830am to 3pm. Our motto is “Developing A Winner”. We accept applications from residents of Bermuda's Smith’s Parish and Devonshire Parish. We work under the Ministry of Education...

4 Corkscrew Hill, Devonshire Parish, Bermuda, HM 19

Operating from 830am to 3pm, St. David's Preschool is one of the 10 government preschools on the island of Bermuda. We understand the differences in our students and give special attention to each child, with empahsis on learning by...

2 Cashew City Road, Saint David's Island, Bermuda, DD 02

One of the 10 preschools operating in Bermuda under the Ministry of Education, Lagoon Park Preschool is located in Sandy’s and accepts applications from residents of Sandys Parish. Our operating hours are from 830am to 3pm. We...

11 Long Bay Lane, Sandys Parish, Bermuda, MA 03

Based in Hamilton Parish, Lyceum Preschool is one of Bermuda's many government funded educational institutions.We make learning fun for the children. We are dedicated to building a strong foundation for the future and the environment in...

191 North Shore Road, Hamilton Parish, Bermuda, CR 03

At Southampton Preschool in Bermuda, we are committed to building a solid foundation for a lifetime of learning and providing the best of education possible for all of our students.  Residents of Southampton Parish, as well those in...

5 Middle Road, Southampton Parish, Bermuda, SB 02

The island's Health Ministry promotes a vision for an equitable and sustainable health system that promotes and protects the well being of Bermudians.   We manage services for seniors and assist the differently abled in order to...

25 Church Street, City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 12

TAG (Tin, Aluminium, Glass) Recycling Zones:   Recyclables are collected every other week on Thursday in the west and Friday in the east.    Please rinse recyclables, place in a blue bin, or a clear or blue...

Tynes Bay Drop Off Facility, Palmetto Rd., Pembroke Parish, Bermuda

  Monday: All of Sandys Parish. Southampton Parish west up to and including Lighthouse Road from Middle Road to South Road.   Tuesday: Southampton Parish east of Lighthouse Road. All of Warwick Parish. Paget West up to and...

Tynes Bay, 31 Palmetto Rd., Devonshire Parish, Bermuda, DV 05

The island's Health Ministry promotes a vision for an equitable and sustainable health system that promotes and protects the well being of Bermudians.   We manage services for seniors and assist the differently abled in order to...

Old Hospital Bldg., 7 Point Finger Rd., Paget Parish, DV 04

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