The Employee Assistance Programme of Bermuda (EAP) is a private not for profit consortium of over 200 Member Companies that provides counseling, consulting, training and other workplace services and assistance to employee and managers.We...
Washington Mall, 22 Church Street, 4th floor, Unit 410, City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 11
Founded in 1967, Teen Haven is a non-profit organization located in Pembroke, Bermuda. We are funded by the government, as well as annual fundraising activities carried out by volunteers.
We offer multi-purpose services and are in...
4 Happy Valley Road, Pembroke Parish, Bermuda, HM 19
The Lady Cubitt Compassionate Association (LCCA) was founded in 1932 in Bermudato support individuals in need.
We are administered on behalf of the Bermuda Government and we extend financial support to Bermudians who need to be sent...
International Centre, 26 Bermudiana Rd., City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 11
At Turning Point Substance Abuse Program, we believe that finding an effective treatment for substance abuse is the only way to achieve a full recovery. Our goal is to lead you to a sober and productive future by working with you and your...
44 Devon Spring Rd., Devonshire Parish, Bermuda, FL 01