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Planning an event? Let the Bermuda Red Cross First Aid Team provide the support you need. Their team of qualified First Aiders can assist existing medical staff or offer full coverage for smaller events. Equipped with essential First Aid supplies and equipment, they’re here to help keep your event safe and prepared for any situation.   Call 236-8253 x 231 or email to learn more! View their website for more information. 

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125 results found in Bermuda for clubs
We’re an award-winning Nutritional Therapy consultancy based at Waterfront Wellness in the heart of Hamilton, Bermuda. We provide expert one-to-one nutritional care as well as innovative group programs and advanced testing for...

Wellesley House North, The Waterfront, 90 Pitts Bay Road, City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 08

Bermuda's Most Versatile Open Format DJ Private Parties Corporate Events Special OccasionsEquipment Rentals for any event Big or Small.

, , , , City of Hamilton, Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 12

Founded in 1882, the Royal Hamilton Amateur Dinghy Club is the world’s only ‘royal’ dinghy club! Dedicated to sailing, we are home to Bermuda’s largest junior sailing fleet and offer year-round sailing instruction...

25 Pomander Rd., Paget Parish, Bermuda, PG 05

The Bermuda Sport Anti-Doping Authority ensures sports bodies in Bermuda are compliant with the world anti-doping code and the illicit drug program.   We strive to make Bermuda's sporting environment doping-free and drug-free by...

Woodbourne Hall, 1 Gorham Rd, Pembroke Parish, Bermuda, HM 08

Mid Atlantic Boat & Sports Club

37 North Shore Rd., Devonshire Parish, bermuda, DV05

St. David's County Cricket Club

41 Battery Rd, Saint David's Island, Bermuda, DD 02

South Shore Wellness

82 South Shore Wellness, Warwick Parish, Bermuda, WK 07

Premier's Youth Fitness Program (PYFP which was developed by the Council, is the school-based initiative that aims to track the fitness levels of students in P5, P6, M1 to M3, and S1 to S3. The goal is to help improve students' fitness...

no address, Pembroke Parish, Bermuda

Awakenings Movement Studio

12 Verdmont Ln., Smith's Parish, Bermuda, FL 05

5 Freeport Road, Dockyard, Sandys, Bermuda, MA01

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