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10 results found in Bermuda for recycle
Atcheson Ltd. is a family run business in Bermuda that specializes in professional waste management. Founded over 6 decades ago, we cater to a broad range of business clients. We collect clinical, industrial and office waste and also...

29 Well Bottom, Southampton Parish, Bermuda, WK 01

Founded in 1995, TOPS Ltd. offers Bermuda’s best selection of office supplies, office equipment, office furniture and more. A green company, we seek to protect our island environment by adopting eco-friendly practices. We believe in...

16 Mills Creek Rd, Pembroke Parish, Bermuda, HM 02

What is Marooned Clothing? It is an ocean focused brand founded to promote the beauty of the ocean and the need for its protection. But what does this all mean… The concept is simple, but effective.   Four dollars of each...

, City of Hamilton, Bermuda

TOPS Ltd. is Bermuda’s top supplier of promotional products, office supplies, office equipment and office furniture. We’re proud to be eco-friendly and proudly offer environmentally friendly products whenever possible. From...

16 Mills Creek Rd, Pembroke Parish, Bermuda, HM 02

Recycling We lead the way in secure document destruction, office paper recycling and IT asset disposal and recycling. Hard drive shredding, tape shredding and more, with the assurance that your data and information is securely...

22 Industrial Park Rd , Southampton Parish, Bermuda, SB 04


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Everything you need to know about Waste Management in Bermuda; garbage collection and recycling schedules, composting...
Discover what you can do, as an islander or visitor, to help protect and preserve our beautiful local beaches!
Keep Bermuda Beautiful’s mission is to engage individuals to take greater responsibility in reducing waste and eliminating litter through action and education.   KBB partners with the government, community and private...

10 Princess Street, PO Box HM 2227, City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM JX

QRS Waste Management

P.O. Box SB 84, Sandys Parish, Bermuda, SB BX

Located in Devonshire under the Department of Works and Engineering, Recycling Officers work with schools, businesses and environmental NGOs in Bermuda to provide hands-on learning experiences, waste audits, waste facility tours and...

Global House, 43 Church Street, City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 12

TAG (Tin, Aluminium, Glass) Recycling Zones:   Recyclables are collected every other week on Thursday in the west and Friday in the east.    Please rinse recyclables, place in a blue bin, or a clear or blue...

Tynes Bay Drop Off Facility, Palmetto Rd., Pembroke Parish, Bermuda

An informational video on Bermuda's Recycling program from the Ministry of...


by Yabsta

The 2014 edition of the Bermuda Yellow Pages is here! If you are in...


by Yabsta

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