About Speciality Cinema Speciality Cinema has built a reputation for excellence in food, customer service and family environment. Whether it's to dine in or take out, we warmly invite our guests for a hot lunch or dinner.
Bermudas Favourite Local Restaurant!
Since 1985, Speciality Inn has built a reputation for excellence in food, customer service and family environment. Whether it's to dine in or take out, we warmly invite our guests for a hot and...
Since 1985, Mr. Chicken has been selling the most delicious chicken dishes in Bermuda. Chickens, not your thing? We also serve homemade burgers, shrimp, fish, steak-umms, and more! Come and get take out or sit down and eat in our...
Since 1985, Mr. Chicken has been selling the most delicious chicken dishes in Bermuda. Chickens, not your thing? We also serve homemade burgers, shrimp, fish, steak-umms, and more!
If you're not in St. Georges, we have 5...
Since 1985, Mr. Chicken has been selling the most delicious chicken dishes in Bermuda. Chickens, not your thing? We also serve homemade burgers, shrimp, fish, steak-umms, and more! Come and get take out or sit down and eat in our...
Since 1985, Mr. Chicken has been selling the most delicious chicken dishes in Bermuda. Chickens, not your thing? We also serve homemade burgers, shrimp, fish, steak-umms, and more! Come and get take out or sit down and eat in our...
Since 1985, Mr. Chicken has been selling the most delicious chicken dishes in Bermuda. Chickens, not your thing? We also serve homemade burgers, shrimp, fish, steak-umms, and more! On Sundays, we even offer codfish breakfast from...
17 Watlington Road, East, Devonshire Parish, Bermuda, SN 01