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38 results found in Businesses for personal
CNA Butterfield & Son Ltd.

1 Park Rd., City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 09

An innovative programme, Mirrors aims to change the lives of participants through personal development training, mentoring and performance coaching.   We are committed to enhancing life for Bermudians through education, specialized...

1st Floor Global House, 43 Church Street, City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 12

Freddie’s Food Court… a wheelbarrow of fun! Freddie’s Food Court is named in honour of Freddie Thomas, his wife Clara and his mother Hewlette. In the late 1980s Hewlette Thomas operated the restaurant at Warwick...

49 Middle Rd, ( Inside Warwick Pharmacy), Warwick Parish, Bermuda, WK 05

Quo­rum Lim­ited pro­vides a full range of cor­po­rate admin­is­tra­tive and incor­po­ra­tions ser­vices to local and exempted com­pa­nies and part­ner­ships. Quorum’s...

Thistle House, 4 Burnaby St., City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 11

Bermuda Water Ski Center

Robinsons Marina, Somerset Bridge, Bermuda, SB 01

Personal Effects Ltd. has been providing cleaning service excellence in Bermuda since 2002 and our growth has been largely based on word of mouth referrals. Are you coming home to a clean house today? Imagine what you would do if...

24 Industrial Park Road, Southampton Parish, Bermuda, SN BX

Established in 1974, the Bermuda Archives are located in the City of Hamilton. The Archives collects and displays all government records and private collections that hold historical and cultural value. The Ministry of Education, under the...

30 Parliament Street, City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 12

Located in Sandys, Sandys Community Centre is a non-profit organization that operates under Bermuda's Department of Youth and Sports. We are open from 10am to 10pm, Monday through Saturday.   We are an active community centre,...

15 Kitchener Road, Sandys Parish, Bermuda, MA 01

Kitson & Co. Ltd.

Kitson Bldg., 5 Reid St., City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 11

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