Formed in 1946, the Bermuda Industrial Union is a general union made up of some 18 semi autonomous divisions. Predominantly "Blue Collar," our membership is drawn from a wide range of industries and occupations across the...
49 Union Square , City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 10
Located in St. George, we provide free transportation for the seniors on the island on Bermuda.
Seniors comprise 13% of the total Bermudian population and represent a significant force in terms of skill, economic assets and...
Located in Hamilton, Bermuda's Labour and Industrial Relations Department operates under the Ministry of Home Affairs.
We are responsible for the certification and decertification of island unions and managing labour disputes. We...
Ingham & Wilkinson Building, 94 Reid Street, City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 12
Founded in 1975, Meals On Wheels is a service by the people and for the people. It is a dream made possible through vision, dedication and hard work.
We’re located in Paget and work in collaboration with volunteers. Through...
Located in Devonshire under the Department of Works and Engineering, Recycling Officers work with schools, businesses and environmental NGOs in Bermuda to provide hands-on learning experiences, waste audits, waste facility tours and...
Global House, 43 Church Street, City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 12
The School Clinics at Hamilton Health Centre in Bermuda fall under the Department of Health and offer a range of services to children and parents.
We are responsible for immunization and preventative health services as well as...
Hamilton Health Centre, 67 Victoria Street, City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 12