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Ministry of Public Works announces a major project to enhance safety and stability on Scaur Hill, Sandys. There will be traffic restrictions for 6 months starting September 30, 2024   Essential work on Scaur Hill, Sandys Parish, will commence on September 30, 2024, lasting six months. The project involves replacing a 230-foot retaining wall between Ledgelets Lane and Lantana Road. A temporary one-way traffic system will be implemented to ensure safety.Special arrangements may be required for 40-foot tractor-trailers and heavy loads. Further updates will be provided as the project progresses.   The Ministry of Public Works thanks the public in advance for their patience and cooperation. Contact Ministry of Public Works for more information.

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34 results found in Businesses for programmes
An innovative programme, Mirrors aims to change the lives of participants through personal development training, mentoring and performance coaching.   We are committed to enhancing life for Bermudians through education, specialized...

1st Floor Global House, 43 Church Street, City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 12

The Department of Environmental Health falls under the Ministry of Health and promotes public education about environmental health risks and ways to handle them. We constantly work towards maintaining the health of the public and...

6 Hermitage Road, Devonshire Parish, Bermuda, FL 01

The Bermuda Ministry of Education espouses a philosophy of inclusion. All students, except for those with multiple physical challenges or severe behavioral problems, are now educated in regular classroom settings. Support for these...

Dame Marjore Bean Hope Academy, 10 Old Military Road, Devonshire Parish, Bermuda, DV 02

The Department of Workforce Development works under the Ministry of Home Affairs and is responsible for labor relations, training, and career development in Bermuda.   We offer various services for Bermudians to enhance their...

23 Parliament Street, City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 12

Located in the city of Hamilton, the Department of Community & Cultural Affairs is responsible for promoting culture in Bermuda. We work in collaboration with government and private sector to provide a sense of community and encourage...

81 Court St., City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 12

A Bermuda registered charity since 1996, YouthNet offers school-based mentoring programmes. Our founder, Mr. Cornell Fubler, offers tremendous mentoring opportunities for youth here on the Island.    In the past decade,...

Sterling House Building , 2 Floor, City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM LX

The Employee Assistance Programme of Bermuda (EAP) is a private not for profit consortium of over 200 Member Companies that provides counseling, consulting, training and other workplace services and assistance to employee and managers.We...

Washington Mall, 22 Church Street, 4th floor, Unit 410, City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 11

The Employee Assistance Programme of Bermuda (EAP) is a private not for profit consortium of over 200 Member Companies that provides counseling, consulting, training and other workplace services and assistance to employee and managers.We...

Washington Mall, 22 Church Street, 4th floor, Unit 410, City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 11

One of the 10 preschools operating in Bermuda under the Ministry of Education, Lagoon Park Preschool is located in Sandy’s and accepts applications from residents of Sandys Parish. Our operating hours are from 830am to 3pm. We...

11 Long Bay Lane, Sandys Parish, Bermuda, MA 03

Bermuda’s Ministry of Education runs 38 schools using state-of-the-art technology. These schools teach about 6,000 students and has 1,200 employees.

14 Dundonald St., City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 09

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