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Love working with kids, being outdoors, and sharing your passion for the environment? Join the BZS Summer Aqua Camps as a: - Aqua Camp Counsellor- Aqua Camp Assistant- After-Camp Counsellor & Assistant   Make a splash this summer while inspiring young minds!   Give them a call or vist their website for more info.

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86 results found in Bermuda for education
Young people are motivated to develop a love of learning from the Chatmore family. By acknowledging and promoting their distinctive abilities, our students become transformed, self-assured individuals equipped to face the world.

9 St Mark's Road, Smith's Parish, Bermuda, FL 06

The Bermuda Centre for Creative Learning, BCCL, was created for children starting from age 7, who have been assessed and diagnosed with learning differences such as dyslexia, auditory processing disorder, ADHD, and other language-based...

Cedar House North, 41 Cedar Avenue, 2nd Floor, City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM12

The Bermuda Heart Foundation is the leader in Heart Health advocacy on the Island.  Our very ambitious goal is to reduce the number of heart related deaths on the Island by 25% within the next three years. In order to achieve our...

Dallas Building, 7 Victoria Street, City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 11

CTY Bermuda

21 Woodlands Rd, City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 09

Al-Mil Enterprises

18 Town Hill Rd., Flatt's Village, Bermuda, FL 07

Learning World, The

15 Farmstead Ln., Sandys Parish, Bermuda, SB 01

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