
Hog Bay Park

Points of Interest
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Hog Bay Park | Directions

Hog Bay Park covers a whole 32 acres of rural land, located in the Southern part of Somerset parish. The park reflects the way Bermuda used to be before the housing boom started on the island in the 1960's. The park is road and noise free once you enter the park, with many network of trails that travela ll around the park. On the West of Hog Bay Park is the coastline wtih a beautiful, small and secluded beach during low tide. High chances you will witness birds such as the Olivesided Flycatcher, Orchard Oriole, Clay-Colored Sparrow, Painted Bunting, Purple Finch, and Rough-Legged Hawk. During the Spring and Winter, aswell as during fall migration you may see Spotted Sandpipers, Great Blue and Yellow-Crowned Night Herons along the coastline. Photo by Claire.
