Bermuda Zoological Society

40 North Shore Rd., Smith's Parish, Bermuda, FL 04 | Directions
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Bermuda Zoological Society Ways To Support
Bermuda Zoological Society would like to remind residents of Bermuda about ways to support them. Your participation can...
by Yabsta
Join the Bermuda Zoological Society’s Summer Aqua Camps Team!
Love working with kids, being outdoors, and sharing your passion for the environment? Join the BZS Summer Aqua Camps...
by Yabsta
Featured In
Bermuda Ecology: Sea Turtles

Bermuda's waters are home to many fascinating species of sea turtle! Read on to learn more. 

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Bermuda Zoological Society is a support charity for the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum, and Zoo. We are a registered charity accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums.


We fund community outreach projects, public events, award-winning exhibits, world-class animal care, and research programs. Our school program provides environmental education to thousands of children including, marine and terrestrial field trips, holiday camps, and WILD encounters while in the care of our qualified educators.


Visit our website to learn about our different projects and programs, volunteer opportunities, donation opertunities and more. Please help us to protect Bermuda's environment.

  • Membership:
  • Student $10
  • Senior Citizen (65+) $15
  • Individual $45
  • Family or Grandparent $75
  • Opening Hours are 9am - 5pm Monday - Friday