
Death After Dessert

by Yabsta Jul 25 - Jul 27, 7:00 am
Daylesford, Dundonald St., City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 10 | Directions
Jul 25 - Jul 27 , 7:00 am

Bermuda Musical & Dramatic Society presents Death After Dessert a new play by Nathaniel Butterfield.

America was starting to discover television in the early 1950s. It was challenging to cover the void left by the migration of several radio shows to the new platform. Networks had stopped making entertaining radio shows by the 1960s.

In 1956, Wilhelmville, Wisconsin's WWIL 1020 AM radio station is having financial difficulties. Longtime mainstays have gone to television, raising the stakes, and as viewership grows, so will the marketers.

George Hawkins believes he might know how to solve this. His nephew Andrew has been employed part-time while attending University in Chicago at a radio station. He gets an idea since he is aware that Andrew worked for a while at a studio that produced radio dramas.


With great pleasure, the Director and Producers present the cast of Nathaniel Butterfield's original play, Death After Dessert, which will run from July 18–27 at BMDS.


Byron Bonham – Dalzell Tucker


George Hawkins – Alan Gilbertson


Leon Orville – Nick Fagundo


Andrew Holtzman – Josh Correia


Melinda Schulz – Kim Day


Polly Darrell – Callie Lucas


Elizabeth Thompson – Nicole DaPonte


Sound Engineer Brianna  – Shyama Ezekiel-Fagundo


Sound Engineer Joanna – Sue Hill Davidson


Sound Effects Freddie  – Elaine Pearce


Sound Engineer Roger – Machum Simmons


Diva Jingle Singer – Harmony DeCouto



Tickets - $35 are available at

Posted by Yabsta
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